A History of Independent Filmmaking

The history of independent film-making dates back more than a century, to when the industry was in its infancy. The Motion Pictures Patent Company was formed in 1908 and is commonly referred to as the Edison Trust. Thomas Edison owned the majority of the patents associated with film-making, and a select group of production houses were granted membership into the Edison Trust.

Other production companies attempted to work with materials not controlled by Edison, and a few years later, the Supreme Court passed down rulings that took away exclusive rights to the raw film from Edison. Though this allowed the independent film workers of the time to produce films with these materials again, the line between major studios and independent filmmakers had been drawn and continues to exist today, though the connotations associated with these productions has changed over the years.

Today, there are still major studios that produce and release the greatest percentage of films that come out each year. Local movie theaters show them, fast food restaurants promote the characters and themes in some instances, and there are similar marketing relationships that are unavailable to the independent filmmakers of the country.

Then, why would anyone want to be a part of the independent film industry? Freedom. The motion picture studios have a great deal of control regarding the content that is being produced and released under their name. Many producers, directors and others associated with film production feel their artistic style is stifled by this type of corporate pressure.

Aside from these companies worrying about public perception of their brand, they want films to have a certain rating by the Motion Picture Association of America. The MPAA has specific guidelines regarding what things may alter the rating of a movie. For instance, kisses exceeding a certain length of time may garner a “PG-13” rating for a movie that was otherwise “G” material. Continually considering these demands, both while filming and editing, can diminish the quality of the final product.

There are various means of funding independent films, and the vast majority of them allow the production team freedom in the creation process. If those working on the project have the talent and communication to bring it together, the results can be magnificent. Making films is an art, and those involved in the production are entitled to allow their creative juices to flow and to meld them with the artistic spirit of the other members so that the film is more spectacular than the sum of its parts.

The technology of today has enhanced many aspects of life for people in the modern world. In regards to those with a desire to make films, the software and hardware needed are more affordable than ever. These advancements are designed to be user-friendly and provide great quality.

Supporting the independent film industry is acknowledging how vital art is to a culture. Not only are there fantastic film festivals that can be attended to see these creations, many are available through online downloads and related means.

For artists and the general public alike, the independent film industry is a part of modern culture that deserves celebration and attention. The artistry across genres is emotionally engaging experience.